
The mappers/matchers/projectors can be configured on creation to specify global behaviour.

Some options can also be overridden during mapping, to apply some behaviour just for a single map.


Options applied to mappers/matchers/projectors with user-defined mappings, which allow to specify types to scan for custom maps.

// Add all available maps
services.Configure<CustomMapsOptions>(o => o.TypesToScan = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().ToList() );

// Or add specific maps
services.Configure<CustomMapsOptions>(o => o.TypesToScan = new List<Type>{ typeof(MyMaps), ... });
services.Configure<CustomMapsOptions>(o => o.TypesToScan.Add(typeof(MyMaps)));


Options which allow to specify additional inline user-defined mappings, to be added to maps found in types in CustomMapsOptions.

Various options exist for different maps:

  • CustomNewAdditionalMapsOptions: for INewMap
  • CustomMergeAdditionalMapsOptions: for IMergeMap
  • CustomMatchAdditionalMapsOptions: for IMatchMap
  • CustomHierarchyMatchAdditionalMapsOptions: for IHierarchyMatchMap
  • CustomAsyncNewAdditionalMapsOptions: for IAsyncNewMap
  • CustomAsyncMergeAdditionalMapsOptions: for IAsyncMergeMap
  • CustomProjectionAdditionalMapsOptions: for IProjectionMap
services.Configure<CustomNewAdditionalMapsOptions>(o => o.AddMap<Product, ProductDto>((p, c) => ...));


Options applied to automatic collections mapping.

Can be overridden during mapping with MergeCollectionsMappingOptions.

// Configure globally
services.Configure<MergeCollectionsOptions>(o => o.RemoveNotMatchedDestinationElements = false);

// Override for specific maps via MappingOptions parameter
mapper.Map(products, productDtos, new object[]{ new MergeCollectionsMappingOptions{ RemoveNotMatchedDestinationElements = true } });


Options applied to automatic asynchronous collections mapping.

Can be overridden during mapping with AsyncCollectionMappersMappingOptions.

// Configure globally
services.Configure<AsyncCollectionMappersOptions>(o => o.MaxParallelMappings = 1);

// Override for specific maps via MappingOptions parameter
asyncMapper.MapAsync<ProductDto[]>(products, new object[]{ new AsyncCollectionMappersMappingOptions{ MaxParallelMappings = 3 } });

Dependency Injection (DI) Configuration

When using Dependency Injection (DI), additional options can be configured to change how some mappers are created.


Options used to define a list of mappers/matchers/projectors to use to create the final IMapper/IAsyncMapper/IMatcher/IProjector. This should be used to add custom mappers/matchers/projectors.

Various options exist for different services:

  • CompositeMapperOptions: for IMapper
  • AsyncCompositeMapperOptions: for IAsyncMapper
  • CompositeMatcherOptions: for IMatcher
  • CompositeProjectorOptions: for IProjector
// Create a new instance manually
services.Configure<CompositeMapperOptions>(o => o.Mappers.Add(new MyMapper(...)));

// Or by injecting additional services via Dependency Injection (DI)
    .Configure<MyService>((options, myService) => options.Mappers.Add(new MyMapper(myService, ...)));

Mapping options

In addition to options which can be used to override global options, it is also possible to specify other options to change the behaviour of the mappers/maps at runtime, these can be passed directly to the Map()/MapAsync()/Match()/Project() methods, and also to their “discovery” counterparts CanMapNew()/CanMapMerge()/CanMapAsyncNew()/CanMapAsyncMerge()/CanMatch()/CanProject().


Options which allow to override the service provider and mapper/matcher/projector to use for nested maps.

var mySpecialServiceProvider = new ...;
mapper.Map(products, productDtos,
    new object[]{ new MapperOverrideMappingOptions{ ServiceProvider = mySpecialServiceProvider } });


In addition to overriding global options for MergeCollectionsOptions allows to override/provide the matcher used to match elements in merge collection maps.

mapper.Map(products, productDtos,
    new object[]{ new MergeCollectionsMappingOptions{ Matcher = (p1, p2, c) => (p1 as Product)?.Code == (p2 as ProductDto)?.Code } });


These are not options, but contexts created by mappers/matchers/projectors which use other mappers/matchers/projectors to perform their duties (like Composite and Collection), so that those mappers can check this information and act accordingly whether they are used as standalone or by other mappers.

public class MyMaps :
    INewMap<Product, ProductDto>
    ProductDto? Map(Product? source, MappingContext context){
        // Prevent the map from being used by a CollectionMapper (simplified check)
        if(context.MappingOptions.GetOptions<NestedMappingContext>()?.ParentMapper is CollectionMapper)
            MapNotFoundException.Throw<Product, ProductDto>();

        if(source == null)
            return null;
            return new ProductDto{
                Code = source.Code,


This is not an option, but a context created by mappers which use projectors to compile projection expressions into maps (delegates), so that those projectors can check this information and act accordingly whether they are used as standalone or by other mappers.

public class MyMaps :
    INewMap<Product, ProductDto>
    Expression<Func<Book, BookDto>> Project(ProjectionContext context){
        // EF.Property below projects the shadow key directly from the DB,
        // so it cannot be compiled into a delegate because the function 
        // cannot be invoked but must be converted into an SQL query,
        // so the method invocation actually throws

        if(context.MappingOptions.GetOptions<ProjectionCompilationContext>() != null)
            MapNotFoundException.Throw<Book, BookDto>();

        return source => source == null ?
            null :
            new BookDto{
                Id = EF.Property<int>(source, "Id")


Additional options can be created by the users by using custom classes and checked for in their own maps/mappers via context.MappingOptions.GetOptions<MyOptions>(), they can be passed along other options.

Custom option classes must be immutable.