EntitiesRetrievalMode.Local value renamed to EntitiesRetrievalMode.LocalOnly.
EntityFrameworkCoreMatcher now matches owned types which have a primary key (those used inside collections). The key configuration must be the same for all owned type instances (excluding foreign primary keys to parent entity).
Updated NeatMapper dependency version and corrected breaking changes (see NeatMapper changelog).
Adjusted Dependency Injection configuration since now collection mappers of NeatMapper core package are added in PostConfiguration there’s no need to check them before adding EF Core mappers.
AsyncEntityFrameworkCoreMapper now supports IAsyncEnumerable<T>, as source or destination for new maps and as source for merge maps.
Fields are now correctly supported as primary keys.
EntityFrameworkCoreMapper and AsyncEntityFrameworkCoreMapper when mapping collections now correctly return the destination collection if source collection is null.
[4.0.0] - 2024-07-16
Updated NeatMapper dependency version.
[3.1.0] - 2024-04-26
Updated NeatMapper dependency version.
EntityFrameworkCoreMatcher now handles shadow keys too, and now it requires a DbContext type and optionally a ServiceProvider in its constructor.
Instead of TaskCanceledException which where caught and re-thrown directly by maps and mappers (instead of being wrapped in MappingException like the others) now OperationCanceledExceptions are caught and re-thrown, this is backwards compatible, since TaskCanceledException is derived from it, but now other exceptions can be caught too.
EntityFrameworkCoreProjector no longer throws MapNotFoundException in case of a disposed DbContext, instead the exception is now wrapped in a ProjectionException.
.NET 8.0 support.
AsyncEntityFrameworkCoreMapper now correctly resolves the DbContext from an overridden IServiceProvider from AsyncMapperOverrideMappingOptions instead of MapperOverrideMappingOptions
Added optional IServiceProvider parameter to EntityFrameworkCoreProjector to provide DbContext instances to project shadow keys during compilation
Fixed some conditional null checks, which apparently worked even if broken somehow, and managed to pass the tests…
EntityFrameworkCoreMatcher now correctly handles default values for keys (eg: allows to match an entity with a key with value 0)
EntityFrameworkCoreMapper and AsyncEntityFrameworkCoreMapper now implement respectively IMapperFactory and IAsyncMapperFactory.
EntityFrameworkCoreMatcher now implements IMatcherFactory.
[2.1.0] - 2023-12-05
EntityFrameworkCoreMapper and AsyncEntityFrameworkCoreMapper will now map only keys to entities.
Dependency Injection (DI) extension methods with lifetime parameters are now marked as obsolete, and will be removed in the next major version. The lifetime of the EF Core mappers/matcher/projector is now the same as the one of the corresponding core service (eg: EntityFrameworkCoreMapper will have the same lifetime as IMapper and all the other core mappers).
Updated NeatMapper dependency version.
EntityFrameworkCoreProjector which projects entities into their keys (even shadow ones), it is also used in ProjectionMapper and enables also mapping entities into their keys.
EntityFrameworkCoreMatcher now correctly throws MapNotFoundException instead of MatcherNotFound.
[2.0.0] - 2023-11-12
Initial version (version matching NeatMapper package).