
[4.0.0] - 2024-07-16


  • IAsyncNewMapFactory and IAsyncMergeMapFactory’s Invoke(...) method can now receive a CancellationToken parameter, which was moved from the factory creation to invocation, to better handle cancellability of parallel tasks in case of exceptions.
  • Generic versions of INewMapFactory, IMergeMapFactory, IMatchMapFactory, IAsyncNewMapFactory and IAsyncMergeMapFactory have been converted to classes (same names without the “I”) to explicitly implement Invoke methods of non-generic parent interfaces, this was done to hide the parent method in the generic implementation, because it could have caused mistakes as it would allow to pass any variables in any order, which is not type-safe.
  • AsyncMappingContext was converted to a value type to reduce allocations when forwarding the CancellationToken parameter while invoking async factories, this allows to separate the provided async context (which can be cached if needed) from the cancellation token (which could change between mappings).
  • MappingOptions are now not cached by default, but require to be initialized with cached = true, in this case they will be cached (and all of their variations) in the mapping pipeline where supported.
  • CompositeMatcher constructor changed signature to accept a single parameter of type CompositeMatcherOptions.
  • CompositeMatcher now matches the given types in any order, the exact one is tried first, then the types are reverted. This behaviour can be configured with CompositeMatcherOptions (and CompositeMatcherMappingOptions).


  • Analyzers and code fixers to detect when CancellationToken from AsyncMappingContext is not forwarded to async methods, works like CA2016.
  • Added overloads with params object[] mapping options for:
    • IMapper extensions (Map, CanMapNew, CanMapMerge, MapNewFactory and MapMergeFactory).
    • IAsyncMapper extensions (MapAsyncNewFactory and MapAsyncMergeFactory).
    • IMatcher extensions (Match, CanMatch, and MatchFactory).
  • IMatcher extension method Predicate, which allows to compare a single provided value of a given type with other values of a different type repeatedly by returning a predicate (Func<T, bool>) which can be used in Linq methods like Where, First, Count, …
  • Implicit conversions from generic factories (NewMapFactory, MergeMapFactory, MatchMapFactory, AsyncNewMapFactory and AsyncMergeMapFactory) to corresponding delegates (Func<...>).
  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> support for AsyncNewCollectionMapper for both source and destination and for AsyncMergeCollectionMapper only for source.
  • AsyncMappers IAsyncEnumerable extension methods Project, which creates a lazy projection (just like Linq.Async method Select()).
  • IMapper extension method MapMergeFactory, and IAsyncMapper extension method MapAsyncMergeFactory to create factories for collections.


  • IProjector extensions overloads with params object[], nullability is now correct.
  • Generic overload of IMapper’s extensions MapMergeFactory now correctly returns a generic factory.

[3.1.0] - 2024-04-26


  • .NET 8.0 support.


  • Dependency Injection (DI) now uses IOptionSnapshot instead of IOptions to respect different lifetimes of mappers/matchers/projectors, previously IOptions forced Singleton instead of the specified lifetime.
  • CanMap*/CanMatch/CanProject extension methods now wrap exceptions thrown by the mapper/matcher/projector, while invoking the corresponding Map*/Match/Project methods. An InvalidOperationException with the inner exception wrapped will be thrown instead, signaling that the mapper/matcher/projector cannot determine if the two types are supported.
  • Instead of TaskCanceledException which were caught and re-thrown directly by maps and mappers (instead of being wrapped in MappingException like the others) now OperationCanceledException are caught and re-thrown, this is backwards compatible, since TaskCanceledException is derived from it, but now other exceptions can be caught too.

[3.0.0] - 2024-03-28


  • Removed classes and methods previously marked as Obsolete.
  • FactoryContext was removed, all maps should assume they will be included in factories and should optimize themselves.


  • IMapperFactory, IAsyncMapperFactory and IMatcherFactory interfaces were changed to return custom factory interfaces instead of plain Delegates, this was done to allow factories to dispose unmanaged resources via IDisposable. All core classes (including extension methods) are now updated, and implementers must do the same.
  • (Async)Mappers/matchers/projectors are now 40 to 90% faster as they cache various data, from maps to MappingOptions and others.
  • AsyncCompositeMapper/CompositeMapper’s MapInternal methods visibility has been changed from public (mistakenly) to private.
  • All interfaces (async and not) now require their implementing classes to be thread-safe (including returned factories), core types were adjusted to be compliant.
  • All options passed as MappingOptions are now required to be (and assumed to be) immutable, for performance reasons.
  • Improved performances for nested (async)mappings/matchings, nested (async)mappers/matchers will be created lazily only if a nested map is performed.


  • MappingContext nested Mapper creation fixes.
  • Custom maps now correctly throw MapNotFoundException if the types matches the current mapped types or wraps it in MappingException/MatcherException/ProjectionException.
  • Fixed various memory leaks, especially in AsyncMappers (whooops).
  • Composite (Async)Mapper/Matcher will now correctly fallback to the next mapper/matcher in the list if the factory returned by one of the previous ones fails after being invoked.
  • Added/improved docs.

[2.2.0] - 2024-02-03


  • MappingContext/MatchingContext now automatically enforce NestedMappingContext/NestedMatchingContext on nested maps and has now an additional constructor which allows to specify the parent mapper/matcher too. It also allows automatic optimization for nested maps. It also automatically forwards FactoryContext if present.
  • DelegateMatcher.CanMatch() is now marked as obsolete, and will be removed in the next major version.
  • DelegateMatcher should now throw MapNotFoundException when matching two incompatible types.


  • Projectors/Mappers IQueryable/IEnumerable extension methods Project, which creates a lazy projection (by using Select()).
  • New optional interfaces IMapperFactory/IAsyncMapperFactory/IMatcherFactory which allows to create mapping/matching factories instead of mapping/matching directly, to map/match multiple elements of two given types faster.
  • Extension methods MapNewFactory and MapMergeFactory for any IMapper which will fallback to default Map() if IMapperFactory is not implemented.
  • New options FactoryContext which allows to discover if a given map will be part of a factory.
  • All core mappers now implement IMapperFactory.
  • Extension methods MapAsyncNewFactory and MapAsyncMergeFactory for any IAsyncMapper which will fallback to default MapAsync() if IAsyncMapperFactory is not implemented.
  • All async mappers now implement IAsyncMapperFactory.
  • Extension method MatchFactory for any IMatcher which will fallback to default Match() if IMatcherFactory is not implemented.
  • All matchers now implement IMatcherFactory.

[2.1.0] - 2023-12-05


  • MapNotFoundException now inherits from Exception instead of ArgumentException.
  • NewCollectionMapper and AsyncNewCollectionMapper constructors with IServiceProvider are now marked as obsolete, since the parameter was not used, and will be removed in the next major version.
  • MatcherNotFound is now marked as obsolete since it was not used (correctly), and will be removed in the next major version.
  • Fixed DI creation for collection mappers and marked some public constants as obsolete, now (Async)CompositeMapperOptions can be configured in any way (and not just with ConfigureAll or PostConfigureAll).


  • IProjectionMap (and IProjectionMapStatic in .NET 7+), IProjector, IProjectorCanProject interfaces to create projections (expressions) between types.
  • Various IProjector default implementations:
    • CustomProjector: projects using IProjectionMap.
    • CollectionProjector: projects collections by using another IProjector.
    • CompositeProjector: combines one or more IProjector of the above in a defined order and tries them all, the first one to succeeds projects the objects.
  • Projection interfaces and options added to Dependency Injection (DI).
  • ProjectionMapper, an IMapper which uses an IProjector to map types by compiling and caching expressions into delegates.
  • From and To properties on MapNotFoundException.
  • CompositeMapper and AsyncCompositeMapper now forward new maps to merge maps if not found, by creating a destination object.


  • All the mappers now should not wrap TaskCanceledException but throw it directly instead.
  • Maps are now able to reject themselves (maybe based on their Mapping/Matching/ProjectionContext?) by throwing MapNotFoundException, which won’t be wrapped by the mapper/matcher/projector (it could be replaced by any parent mapper/matcher/projector with another exception of the same type).
  • Arrays, as generic maps type parameters, are now correctly recognized.
  • Collection mappers now throw correctly MapNotFoundException for their collection types and not element ones.

[2.0.0] - 2023-11-12


  • Mapper which was replaced by the separate mappers below in the Added section.
  • CollectionMappingException which was replaced by MappingException (nested).


  • Every namespace was renamed to NeatMapper.
  • IMapper added optional mappingOptions parameter to override settings for specific mappings, support and options depends on the mappers and/or the maps, added also to extension methods.
  • MergeMapsCollectionsOptions renamed in MergeCollectionsMappingOptions.
  • NeatMapper.Common package embedded.


  • BaseMapper from NeatMapper.Common was split into different mappers which can be used separately or combined together (check the README for instructions). Also each mapper has a corresponding Async version:
    • NewMapper (AsyncNewMapper): maps only INewMap (IAsyncNewMap).
    • MergeMapper (AsyncMergeMapper): maps only IMergeMap (IAsyncMergeMap).
    • NewCollectionMapper (AsyncNewCollectionMapper): creates new collections by using another IMapper (IAsyncMapper) to map elements.
    • MergeCollectionMapper (AsyncMergeCollectionMapper): merges collections by using another IMapper (IAsyncMapper) to map elements.
    • CompositeMapper (AsyncCompositeMapper): combines one or more IMappers of the above in a defined order and tries them all, the first one to succeeds maps the objects.
  • Custom{New|Merge|Match|AsyncNew|AsyncMerge}AdditionalMapsOptions which can be used to specify additional mapping methods like delegates/lambdas or compiled ones like expressions.
  • MapperOverrideMappingOptions, used to override IServiceProvider and/or IMapper in the MappingContext created by the mapper, implementation depends on the mapper itself. Also the async version is available: AsyncMapperOverriddeMappingOptions.
  • NeatMapper.DependencyInjection package embedded, now the core package allows injecting IMapper (and also IAsyncMapper) and IMatcher and configuring them via IOptions (check the README for instructions).
  • IHierarchyMatchMap<TSource, TDestination> (and its .NET 7+ static counterpart IHierarchyMatchMapStatic<TSource, TDestination>) which allows matching two types as well as derived types, will be automatically used when merging collections.
  • Various IMatcher default implementations:
    • CustomMatcher: matches using IMatchMap.
    • HierachyCustomMatcher: matches using IHierarchyMatchMap.
    • EmptyMatcher: passthrough matcher which returns false for every match.
    • SafeMatcher: wraps another IMatcher and returns false in case it cannot match the given types.
    • DelegateMatcher: matches using a custom delegate.
    • CompositeMatcher: combines one or more IMatchers of the above in a defined order and tries them all, the first one to succeeds matches the objects.
  • MatcherOverrideMappingOptions, used to override IServiceProvider and/or IMatcher in the MatchingContext created by the mapper, implementation depends on the matcher itself.
  • AsyncCollectionMappersOptions (and override AsyncCollectionMappersMappingOptions) which allows to specify settings for parallel async maps in collections.

[1.1.0] - 2023-10-02


  • Mapper empty constructor.


  • Support for:
    • .NET Framework 4.7, 4.8
    • .NET Standard 2.1
    • .NET Core 3.1
    • .NET 5.0

[1.0.2] - 2023-10-02


  • Previous versions deprecated.


  • Dependencies versions.

[1.0.1] - 2023-10-02


  • Dependencies versions.

[1.0.0] - 2023-10-01

  • Initial version.